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Sunday, April 26, 2009

Making Easily Identifiable USB Devices

Many people use several USB drives and to prevent backing up to an incorrect one it possible to show more distinction for its identification than just the label of the device.

In fact there are two other things that you can do. One is to assign a specific drive letter for each device.

To assign a drive letter to your USB drive or CD, open Control Panel and select Administrative Tools, Computer Management, Disk Management, and now when you right-click on the drive you will see a menu to Change Letter.

Ignore any warning messages when altering the drive letter. You can have M for mail, S for spreadsheets etc. At the same time you could give the drive a Label appropriate name under Properties to further assist in identification.

The second way is to have a distinctive USB drive icon. If you have several USB drives it can be beneficial to have a separate icon for each to appear in Windows Explorer when you insert it.

The way to achieve this is to copy an icon to that drive and then use Notepad (found under Accessories) to create a two line file that reads:

where MyIcon.ico is the name of your icon. If you do not have any then you can either search you hard disk for *.ico or use Google to search for "free icons"
Having created that file you must save it as "Autorun.inf" onto your USB drive. Please note that the quotes in the filename are essential as by default Notepad save files as .txt. Using these methods will make your identification virtually fool-proof.


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