Computer processors were once available with only one processing unit. With advancements in computer hardware technology, however, it is now possible to buy dual-core and quad-core processors. Collectively called multi-core processors, a dual-core CPU has two processing units while a quad-core CPU has four processing units.
Unfortunately, computer programs have to be specially designed to take advantage of the speed and features of the new multi-core processors. That being said, you can drastically increase your computer system's performance by upgrading to a multi-core processor. These computer CPUs can distribute workload amongst their cores. If multiple applications are being run at the same time -- four, for example -- a quad-core processor will use a different core to handle each application.
In addition to improving system performance, multi-core CPUs can lower your power consumption. These new computer components consume less electricity than the single-core processor. Consequently -- and as an added benefit -- multi-core CPUs can run cooler than their predecessors and minimize your computer overheating issues.
If you are thinking of replacing your computer CPU, you should try and get a multi-core processor. AMD and Intel offer an impressive lineup of CPUs, both single-core and multi-core.
You may also need to replace your motherboard if you decide to upgrade to a multi-core processor. Motherboards can only accommodate certain CPU models. Multi-core CPUs need to be fitted into motherboards that supports the technology.
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